This is a tutorial that describes a way to quickly setup a Hadoop cluster on cheap Amazon EC2 spot instances. We then show how to interact with the cluster by writing and running a few example Hadoop streaming jobs in Python.
You'll need very basic UNIX command line knowledge. If you're feeling a little rusty, here's a good tutorial. The code in this tutorial has been tested on Linux, but I'd imagine it could work on OSX and maybe even Cygwin.
Most of the code is written in Python (version 2.7), so if you've never used it before, you might want to have a look at a short tutorial or a longer one.
Initial setup
Make sure you have Python 2.7 installed. You'll also need pip (recommended) or easy_install to download Python packages. The examples assume you're running bash
as your command line.
Download headintheclouds (a tool for managing cloud servers):
pip install headintheclouds==0.1.12
If you don't have root access, and you don't have pip installed, you can install the package by typing
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/local/bin
easy_install --prefix=$HOME/local headintheclouds
(You might want to put the export
statements in your .bashrc or equivalent file.)
Download and unzip no-headache-hadoop (a set of scripts that makes installing and configuring Hadoop easy):
Next, we need to create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. Go to and click Sign Up. You'll be asked for address, phone number, credit card details, etc. When you've finished signing up, go to
Click Continue to Security Credentials. Under Access Keys, click Create New Access Key.
Click Download Key File and store the rootkey.csv file somewhere secure. If you open this file you'll see two lines, AWSAccessKeyId and AWSSecretKey. We'll use these later on.
Next, go to and click EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon's cloud server offering). In the top right corner, change the region to US East (N. Virginia).
Under Network & Security, click Key Pairs. Click Create Key Pair and give it a name. When you click Create you'll download a .pem key file, move that file somewhere secure. You'll also need to remove the write permissions on this file, e.g.
chmod 400 andreas-ec2.pem
Finally, we need to set a few environment variables. You can set environment variables straight in the shell by typing export NAME=VALUE
. The problem is that those variables will disappear next time you open a shell. To make them "stick" you can put the exports in your .bashrc file in your home directory.
- Set
to the AWSAccessKeyId from rootkey.csv - Set
to the AWSSecretKey from rootkey.csv - Set
to the full path to the .pem key file, e.g. /home/andreas/secrets/andreas-ec2.pem - Set
to the name of the key pair, e.g. andreas-ec2
Here is an example of what your exports could look like:
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=9FYZlblKV3sl/7QblWbVcSQeavN64+iiyvAoXoJI
export AWS_SSH_KEY_FILENAME=/home/andreas/secrets/andreas-ec2.pem
export AWS_KEYPAIR_NAME=andreas-ec2
To manage our Hadoop cluster from the command line we'll use the no-headache-hadoop package we downloaded earlier. no-headache-hadoop is built on top of fabric, a tool written in Python for interacting with remote servers. All fabric commands, or tasks, are executed on the command line by typing fab
followed by the task name. The tasks are defined in a file called
, and fab
must be run from the same directory as
. Tasks can take arguments in the format
Arguments can also be named
To see all the tasks provided by no-headache-hadoop, type
fab -l
To confirm that our setup is working, cd
to the no-headache-hadoop directory and type
fab debug_ec2
The output should be something like
[] Executing task 'debug_ec2'
Successfully connected to EC2
Launching nodes
The real killer feature in AWS (at least for students and poorly funded academics) is their spot instance offering. To run EC2, Amazon needs a lot of excess capacity. Instead of letting all that hardware sit idle, they allow people to bid on unused instances. The hourly asking price is set based on supply and demand and changes frequently. If your bid exceeds the asking price, the instances you asked for will be launched. But if the asking price increases above your bid, all instances will be terminated immediately (and you will not be charged for the partial hour). Fortunately, Hadoop offers ways to deal with this.
To see the current spot pricing, type fab pricing
. The output looks something like:
size compute_units memory recent median stddev max hourly_cost
t1.micro 2 0.6 0.013 0.010 0.005 0.020 0.020
m1.small 1 1.7 0.007 0.007 0.000 0.007 0.060
m1.medium 2 3.75 0.013 0.013 0.000 0.013 0.120
c1.medium 5 1.7 0.018 0.020 0.003 0.024 0.145
m1.large 4 7.5 0.030 0.060 0.148 0.500 0.240
m2.xlarge 6.5 17.1 0.035 0.160 0.186 0.447 0.410
m1.xlarge 8 15 0.052 0.054 0.020 0.200 0.480
m3.xlarge 13 15 0.058 0.058 0.000 0.058 0.500
c1.xlarge 20 7 0.070 0.070 0.000 0.070 0.580
m2.2xlarge 13 34.2 0.070 0.070 0.000 0.070 0.820
m3.2xlarge 26 30 0.115 0.115 0.040 0.200 1.000
cc1.4xlarge 33.5 23 1.668 1.668 0.000 1.668 1.300
m2.4xlarge 26 68.4 0.400 0.280 0.545 1.800 1.640
cg1.4xlarge 33.5 22 2.100 2.100 0.775 2.100 2.100
cc2.8xlarge 88 60.5 0.270 0.270 0.000 0.270 2.400
cr1.8xlarge 88 244.0 0.343 0.343 0.083 0.510 3.500
is the name Amazon gives instance types, compute units
roughly correspond to CPUs, memory
is the amount of RAM in GB. recent
is the most recent spot price, median
, stddev
and max
show the spot pricing over the past 24 hours. hourly_cost
is the normal pay-as-you-go pricing. Looking at this table we see that spot instances are almost 10 times cheaper than normal instances.
To create new EC2 spot instances, type
where ROLE is a name we give the node, e.g. "slave"; SIZE is the instance size, e.g. "cc2.8xlarge"; PRICE is our bid, e.g. 0.28; COUNT is the number of nodes we want to launch (default 1).
To create normal ec2 instances, type
fab ec2.create:ROLE,SIZE,COUNT
For this tutorial we'll create 10 worker nodes (slaves), one master, and one monitoring server. To keep costs down we'll make them all m1.medium instances with 3.75 GB memory and 2 compute units. Currently, the price is $0.013/hour, and it's been constant for the past 24 hours, so it's probably safe to bid $0.015 (we'll only pay the asking price, even if our bid is higher).
The commands below will create 12 new servers, so you will be charged real money from this point on.
fab,m1.medium,0.015 &
fab,m1.medium,0.015 &
fab,m1.medium,0.015,10 &
(The ampersands at the end runs the command in the background so we create the instances in parallel.)
Side note: For new users, Amazon limits the number of instances to 20. You probably want to increase that to at least 50, using the form at
Once the requests have been fulfilled, we can type
fab nodes
which will list all instances managed by no-headache-hadoop, something like this:
name size ip_address private_dns_name status launch_time
monitoring m1.medium ip-10-29-176-214.ec2.internal running 2013-09-24 12:22:20+01:00
slave m1.medium ip-10-182-130-122.ec2.internal running 2013-09-24 12:22:20+01:00
slave m1.medium ip-10-170-46-227.ec2.internal running 2013-09-24 12:22:20+01:00
slave m1.medium ip-10-169-14-198.ec2.internal running 2013-09-24 12:22:20+01:00
slave m1.medium ip-10-234-18-145.ec2.internal running 2013-09-24 12:22:20+01:00
slave m1.medium ip-10-158-92-242.ec2.internal running 2013-09-24 12:22:20+01:00
slave m1.medium ip-10-181-198-250.ec2.internal running 2013-09-24 12:22:20+01:00
master m1.medium ip-10-235-19-231.ec2.internal running 2013-09-24 12:22:20+01:00
slave m1.medium ip-10-181-159-97.ec2.internal running 2013-09-24 12:22:20+01:00
slave m1.medium ip-10-28-173-3.ec2.internal running 2013-09-24 12:22:20+01:00
slave m1.medium ip-10-235-28-235.ec2.internal running 2013-09-24 12:22:20+01:00
slave m1.medium ip-10-232-73-177.ec2.internal running 2013-09-24 12:22:20+01:00
If you go to the web console at you should see all instance names prefixed by "NHH-". This is a namespacing scheme to avoid no-headache-hadoop interfering with other instances you might have in your EC2 account. (If some of the instances are not prefixed with "NHH-" and you haven't created them outside of no-headache-hadoop, something has probably gone wrong and you should terminate those instances through the web interface to avoid wasting money.)
When you're done with our instances you must remember to terminate them using
fab terminate
In order to access the servers we need to open up the EC2 firewall on the SSH port (22). We do that by typing
fab ec2.firewall:open=22
While we're at it, let's open some other ports we'll use later on:
fab ec2.firewall:open=80
fab ec2.firewall:open=443
fab ec2.firewall:open=50030
fab ec2.firewall:open=50060
(80 is HTTP, 443 is HTTPS, 50030 and 50060 are used by the Hadoop web interface.)
Installing the software
In the no-headache-hadoop repository, there is a folder called "puppet". It contains all the puppet manifests needed to install and configure Hadoop.
To install Hadoop on the servers we launched in the previous section, type
fab build
This command will SSH into each of the servers in parallel, and install all the required software automatically. What software to install is determined by the role of the individual server.
Expect this step to take a few minutes and don't be surprised if some instances take longer than others to finish installing. If it appears to hang, you can kill the script (Ctrl-C) and try again.
Hadoop overview
Before we move on to the example, it's probably good to look at what Hadoop actually is. This will just be a short overview, for a longer introduction to Hadoop, see For the theoretical underpinnings, see Google's original MapReduce paper.
At the core of Hadoop is the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), a fault-tolerant, scalable file system optimised for few writes, many reads, and large files. Files are stored in 64MB blocks across multiple data nodes, with each block stored in several (3 by default) copies for redundancy. The name node keeps an index of which block belonging to which file is stored on which server.
The input to a Hadoop job is usually one or a few very large tab-separated files that are processed sequentially, line by line. The job tracker splits and distributes the input to many task tracker servers. The job tracker manages everything around the execution of jobs, e.g. taking failed task trackers out of the pool, combining results, etc.
A Hadoop job usually has two stages: map and reduce. The mapper transforms each input record to one (or sometimes more than one) intermediate record, in the format (key, output). These intermediates are then grouped by key, sorted, and fed to the reducer, that combines them into a single (or a few) outputs.
In our setup we run the name node and job tracker on the same master instance, and each slave runs both a data node and a task tracker. This is deliberate, the job tracker actually attempts to schedule tasks to the same machine that stores the data it will operate on.
Before we can start the cluster we need to format HDFS
fab format
Now we can start the cluster using
fab start
Hadoop streaming
Hadoop is written in Java, and you used to have to write map/reduce jobs in Java too. Fortunately, nowadays Hadoop has a tool called Hadoop streaming that allows you to write Hadoop jobs in virtually any language. The streaming job reads input lines from stdin, processes the input, and writes the output to stdout.
A nice side effect of this is that we can test streaming jobs locally on the command line before we run them on the cluster:
cat input | ./mapper | sort | ./reducer
Monitoring servers
The monitoring server we created earlier is running Graphite, and the master and slave nodes all send it system stats using collectd.
The output of fab nodes
gives us the external IP for each server. In the example above, the monitoring server is at If enter that in a browser, we get something that looks like this:
(Note that this can take quite a while to load the first time, since we're running on relatively weak m1.medium machines.)
In the pane on the left we can navigate Graphite -> collectd -> [server private DNS name] -> [metric group] -> [metric name].
The most important metric to keep an eye on is memory -> memory-used. Once that starts climbing towards 3GB, we are in trouble.
Example application
Now that we have our cluster built and configured, we can start doing some actual work on it. In this example we'll mine frequent itemsets of artists in the lastfm360k dataset, using a parallel version of FP-growth.
Algorithm overview
In frequent itemset mining we aim to find subsets of items that occur in many transactions. The classic example is market basket analysis, where we want to find products that are frequently bought together. In this example we want to find sets of artists that occur in many people's listening histories. The output will be a number of sets of artists, e.g.
{{Metallica, Pantera, Iron Maiden},
{DJ Slugo, Drexciya},
{Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, Neil Young, Ron Sexsmith}}
This could them be used in a recommendation system, e.g. "You like Metallica and Iron Maiden, so you'll probably also like Pantera".
We will use a version of the FP-growth algorithm that was designed as a five of map/reduce jobs.
The input data is in the format
user id, artist id, artist name, play count
but we need it to be in the format
user id, listening history
where the listening history is a set of artist names {artist1, artist2, artist3, ...}. The first map/reduce step is to transform the input to our format, saving the output in a file that we'll use as input to subsequent steps.
After that we'll count the number of occurrences, or support, of each artist in the entire dataset.
The third step is to split the set of artists up into a number of shards, by assigning a shard number to each artist. For example, if the artists are
{A, B, C, D}
We might have artist shards like
{A => 1, B => 1, C => 2, D => 2}
In the fourth step we compute the actual frequent itemsets. The trick here is to transform the data in a way that makes it possible to compute frequent itemsets in parallel. It turns out that we can do this by outputting each history record a number of times, once for each artist shard that appear in the history, along with the shard number.
Assume we're using the example artists shards from before, and we have the histories
{{A, B}, {A, B, C}, {B, D}, {C, D}}
The output will be
({A, B}, 1)
({A, B, C}, 1)
({A, B, C}, 2)
({B, D}, 1)
({B, D}, 2)
({C, D}, 2)
The clever thing is that the history tuples can mined for frequent itemsets in isolation, since each artist shard has all of the listening histories that artist appears in. The speedup is almost linear with the number of added servers. The actual mining is done using traditional FP-growth.
The final step is to deduplicate the output from the FP-growth step.
To download and unzip the Python implementation we'll use in the examples below, type
Downloading the dataset
We'll start off by downloading the dataset to the cluster itself. First we log in to the master node:
fab -R master ssh
The -R
tells fabric to only apply the command to nodes with a certain role, in this case master
To do anything Hadoop-related on the server, we need to change user to hadoop:
sudo su - hadoop
Once we're logged in we download and unpack the data using
tar xzvf lastfm-dataset-360K.tar.gz
The files are in tsv format so we can import them straight into HDFS. We will use usersha1-artmbid-artname-plays.tsv which has 17 million records for 360,000 users, where a record consists of (user id, artist id, artist name, play count). If we look at the first few records we get an idea of what we're dealing with.
head -n5 lastfm-dataset-360K/usersha1-artmbid-artname-plays.tsv
00000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223b 3bd73256-3905-4f3a-97e2-8b341527f805 betty blowtorch 2137
00000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223b f2fb0ff0-5679-42ec-a55c-15109ce6e320 die Ärzte 1099
00000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223b b3ae82c2-e60b-4551-a76d-6620f1b456aa melissa etheridge 897
00000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223b 3d6bbeb7-f90e-4d10-b440-e153c0d10b53 elvenking 717
00000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223b bbd2ffd7-17f4-4506-8572-c1ea58c3f9a8 juliette & the licks 706
To import into HDFS, type
hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal lastfm-dataset-360K/usersha1-artmbid-artname-plays.tsv /hadoop/lastfm-plays.tsv
This will copy the file to /hadoop/lastfm-plays.tsv in HDFS. We can browse HDFS using
hadoop dfs -ls /
hadoop dfs -ls /hadoop
# etc.
For testing purposes we can download and unzip the dataset to our local machine using the same commands.
Step 1/5: Preprocessing
As a first step we transform the data so that each line is in the format (user id, list of artists). The mapper simply takes the input line and outputs (user id, artist name). The reducer then reads the input lines that have been sorted in Hadoop streaming by user id, and keeps the artists in memory. When the user id changes or we reach the end of the file, we output the old user id along with all the artists we've collected. Note that this would not work if the records hadn't been sorted before the reduce step.
If we have downloaded the data to our local computer as well as to the master node, we can test the job locally:
head -n1000 /path/to/lastfm-dataset-360K/usersha1-artmbid-artname-plays.tsv \
| /path/to/pfp_lastfm360k/preprocess/ \
| sort \
| /path/to/pfp_lastfm360k/preprocess/
This will output something like
00000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223b juliette & the licks magica dropkick murphys edguy red hot chili peppers walls of jericho the wallflowers jack off jill the murmurs the who maximum the hormone judas priest girlschool le tigre melissa etheridge sandra nasic bif naked die Ärzte the butchies sleater-kinney john mayer letzte instanz elvenking london after midnight tanzwut disciple betty team dresch rob zombie the rolling stones lunachicks mutyumu the bosshoss jack johnson the black dahlia murder rasputina guano apes babes in toyland blue Öyster cult horrorpops goldfrapp the killers all:my:faults l7 eluveitie betty blowtorch little big town schandmaul all ends
00001411dc427966b17297bf4d69e7e193135d89 simian mobile disco arcade fire the wombats uffie queen ai aso the fiery furnaces death cab for cutie have heart nujabes the most serene republic built to spill patrick wolf mstrkrft the strokes broken social scene the last shadow puppets the secret handshake the honorary title little dragon coldplay stars boris with michio kurihara cancer bats the microphones boris animal collective death from above 1979 heavy heavy low low the libertines m.i.a. mgmt deerhoof michio kurihara okkervil river owl city breathe carolina luminous orange coaltar of the deepers polar bear club bright eyes jim sturgess hadouken! digitalism the album leaf the rocket summer arctic monkeys fear before the march of flames hot hot heat boris with merzbow boys noize
00004d2ac9316e22dc007ab2243d6fcb239e707d castanets baby dee flairck andrew liles the revolutionary army of the infant jesus marc almond the legendary pink dots 16 horsepower frank london charalambides björk amanda rogers nalle the one ensemble current 93 carter tutti jack rose festival pelt jocelyn pook antony and the johnsons nurse with wound john jacob niles fovea hex bill fay michael gira nick cave & the bad seeds ane brun einstürzende neubauten larkin grimm six organs of admittance mariee sioux soisong a hawk and a hacksaw lux interna jean parlette coil ulver ghq angels of light daniel higgs matmos orion rigel dommissea silver mt. zion fern knight marissa nadler
To run streaming jobs in the cluster we use
where * INPUT_PATH is the HDFS path to the data we'll use as input to the job (accepts asterisk wildcards) * OUTPUT_PATH is the HDFS path where we'll store the output * MAPPER is the local path to the mapper script * REDUCER is the local path to the reducer script (optional, if omitted we will store the map output in OUTPUT_PATH) * NMAPPERES is the number of mappers to run (optional, if omitted Hadoop will choose a "reasonable" number, usually 2 mappers/task tracker) * NREDUCERS is the number of reducers to run (optional, usually 2 per task tracker if omitted)
We'll run the preprocess job as follows
fab streaming:/hadoop/lastfm-plays.tsv,/hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed,/path/to/pfp_lastfm360k/preprocess/,/path/to/pfp_lastfm360k/preprocess/,20,20
This will take input from /hadoop/lastfm-plays.tsv and place the output in the HDFS directory /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed, running 20 mappers and 20 reducers. The output should look like
[] Executing task 'streaming'
[] sudo: mkdir "/opt/streaming" || true
[] put: /home/andreas/projects/pfp_lastfm360k/preprocess/ -> /opt/streaming/
[] put: /home/andreas/projects/pfp_lastfm360k/preprocess/ -> /opt/streaming/
[] sudo: /opt/hadoop/bin/hadoop jar /opt/hadoop/contrib/streaming/hadoop-streaming-1.2.1.jar -D -D mapred.reduce.tasks=20 -input "/hadoop/lastfm-plays.tsv" -output "/hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed" -mapper "/opt/streaming/ " -file "/opt/streaming/" -reducer "/opt/streaming/ " -file "/opt/streaming/"
[] out: packageJobJar: [/opt/streaming/, /opt/streaming/, /tmp/hadoop/hadoop-unjar847809189279407926/] [] /tmp/streamjob3638713451144539867.jar tmpDir=null
[] out: 13/09/24 12:01:54 INFO util.NativeCodeLoader: Loaded the native-hadoop library
[] out: 13/09/24 12:01:54 WARN snappy.LoadSnappy: Snappy native library not loaded
[] out: 13/09/24 12:01:54 INFO mapred.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 1
[] out: 13/09/24 12:01:57 INFO streaming.StreamJob: getLocalDirs(): [/tmp/hadoop/mapred/local]
[] out: 13/09/24 12:01:57 INFO streaming.StreamJob: Running job: job_201309241156_0001
[] out: 13/09/24 12:01:57 INFO streaming.StreamJob: To kill this job, run:
[] out: 13/09/24 12:01:57 INFO streaming.StreamJob: /opt/hadoop-1.2.1/libexec/../bin/hadoop job -kill job_201309241156_0001
[] out: 13/09/24 12:01:57 INFO streaming.StreamJob: Tracking URL: http://ip-10-235-19-231.ec2.internal:50030/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=job_201309241156_0001
[] out: 13/09/24 12:01:58 INFO streaming.StreamJob: map 0% reduce 0%
[] out:
Note the Tracking URL, http://ip-10-235-19-231.ec2.internal:50030/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=job_201309241156_0001
. That is a link to the web interface where you can track progress of the job. Unfortunately, due to a bug, Hadoop exposes private DNS names rather than public IPs. Looking in fab nodes, we see that the master node public IP is, so we just replace ip-10-235-19-231.ec2.internal
, and the final URL becomes
. Going there in a browser shows us the job tracking page:
When the job is finished, the web interface looks like this
Here you see that the mapper output ~17 million records, and the reducer output ~360,000 records. This is exactly what we'd expect from the proprocessing step.
For convenience no-headache-hadoop has a couple of commands for looking into HDFS without having to log in to the master node. To look at the output, type
fab ls:/hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed
You should see something like
$ fab ls:/hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed
[] Executing task 'ls'
[] sudo: /opt/hadoop/bin/hadoop dfs -ls "/hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed"
[] out: Found 22 items
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 0 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/_SUCCESS
[] out: drwxr-xr-x - hadoop supergroup 0 2013-08-06 09:59 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/_logs
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11614189 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00000
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11915961 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00001
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11737087 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00002
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11743847 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00003
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11809913 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00004
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11790278 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00005
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11804936 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00006
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11761531 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00007
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11869207 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00008
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11802235 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00009
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11715585 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00010
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11775893 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00011
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11911725 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00012
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11738669 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00013
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11903552 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00014
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11860723 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00015
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11910172 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00016
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11906049 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00017
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11597255 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00018
[] out: -rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 11732784 2013-08-06 10:00 /hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00019
[] out:
Note that there is one "part-" file per reducer. We can look at the end of the first part by typing
fab tail:/hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00000
Which will output
[] Executing task 'tail'
[] sudo: /opt/hadoop/bin/hadoop dfs -tail "/hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-00000"
[] out: e rolling stones los bunkers la mano ajena guns n' roses fernando ubiergo "weird al" yankovicnirvana héroes del silencio paul carrack soda stereo ac/dc rush the smashing pumpkins the doors andrés calamaro rata blanca avantasia the cure slayer jumbo sonata arctica los fabulosos cadillacs
[] out: fff551b945c9489b11dcc1c46c9d7382879e413d kasabian the cribs the beatles editors the flaming lips the pigeon detectives embrace snow patrol the who sigur rós death cab for cutie radiohead minus the bear los auténticos decadentes the rakes the format eels röyksopp the kooks jamie cullum portishead belle and sebastian attaque 77 coldplay los fabulosos cadillacs the sunshine underground the wombatseight legs maxïmo park blur muse jack's mannequin siempre me dejas taking back sunday oasis pearl jam the enemy stereophonics travis the reindeer section the postal service athlete the clash kashmir mewthe bouncing souls andrés calamaro badly drawn boy jamiroquai manic street preachers kings of convenience friendly fires doves
[] out:
Step 2/5: Counting
Next we'll count the support of each artist. As input to this job we'll take the preprocessed output from the previous job. The mapper simply emits a 1
for each artist in each listening history. The reducer sums the counts for each artist. We also prune the result set to remove any artists with support less than 500, so that the following steps will be faster.
To run this job, we type
fab streaming:/hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-*,/hadoop/lastfm/counted,/path/to/pfp_lastfm360k/count/,/path/to/projects/pfp_lastfm360k/count/,20,20
This will output tuples in the form (artist name, count).
Step 3/5: Sharding artists
We'll shard the artists into 1000 groups. The input to this step is the artist counts from the previous step. The mapper reads a row of (artist, count) and outputs (shard number, artist:count), where shard number is a random integer 0 <= x <= 99. The reducer groups the records by shard number into (shard number, artist1:count1, artist2:count2, ...).
Run the job with
fab streaming:/hadoop/lastfm/counted/part-*,/hadoop/lastfm/grouped,/path/to/pfp_lastfm360k/group/,/path/to/pfp_lastfm360k/group/,20,20
Step 4/5: FP-growth
Here's where it gets interesting. The input is the preprocessed list of (user, listening history) records from the first step. However, we also need the sharded artist list from step 3. The problem is that Hadoop has output as many files as there were reducers. We'll need a way to combine those output files into a single file. To do this we'll need to log in the master node again
fab -R master ssh
Once we're logged in, become the hadoop user
sudo su - hadoop
Next, we'll use hadoop dfs -cat to output the contents of all the sharded outputs. We'll pipe that into hadoop dfs -put which will write a new file to HDFS.
hadoop dfs -cat /hadoop/lastfm/grouped/part-* | hadoop dfs -put - /hadoop/lastfm/groups.tsv
To confirm that it worked, we'll count the lines of the new file
hadoop dfs -cat /hadoop/lastfm/groups.tsv | wc -l
This should output 100
The mapper for this job is more complicated than the ones we've seen before. First we read list of sharded artist groups straight from HDFS (we provide the path to groups.tsv as a command line argument to the mapper). We then output the set of artists in the record once for each unique artist shard number (with a sublist optimisation, described in the paper). The output is in the form (shard number, artist1, artist2, ...).
The reducer is even more complicated, but you don't need to understand the exact details of what it's doing for this tutorial (unless you want to). For each artist shard, we compute the frequent itemsets (with a minimum support threshold of 500) and output them in serialized JSON format. When the data gets sufficiently complicated, it is often useful to use a more expressive format than tab-separated strings used by default by Hadoop. However, since a JSON object is itself a string, we can still use it as a value in Hadoop streaming.
Notice that the key we output is the string _
(underscore).This is an idiom for when we don't need a key. In this case, all we need are the patterns themselves.
So to launch this behemoth of a map/reduce job, type
fab streaming:/hadoop/lastfm/preprocessed/part-*,/hadoop/lastfm/mined,"/path/to/pfp_lastfm360k/fpgrowth/ hdfs:///hadoop/lastfm/groups.tsv",/path/to/projects/pfp_lastfm360k/fpgrowth/,20,10
Note that the mapper takes hdfs:///hadoop/lastfm/groups.tsv as an argument.
This job takes longer to run than the other jobs, simply because it's doing a lot more work. To get a sense of what's happening, open the job tracker interface and the monitoring server Graphite interface in a browser. The memory usage is especially interesting. Here is a screenshot of the memory consumption on a slave node while running the reducer
(To see the output stacked, click Graph Options -> Area Mode -> Stacked. To select a specific time range, click the white-ish icon with a green arrow next to the thing that sort of looks like a calendar. Good web developers aren't always good designers...)
To follow progress in the Hadoop web interface, have a look at the Reduce input records vs. Map output records.
Here the job has been running for 29 minutes and processed 6.3M out of 12.3M records, so we could expect the job to run for around about an hour.
Step 5/5: Aggregating results
The output of step 4 is frequent itemsets for all artist shards. Because we send each listening histories to many shards, there will be a lot of duplicate itemsets. In the mapper we output each itemset once for each artist in the itemset. The reducer then outputs the unique patterns for each artist.
To run the job
fab streaming:/hadoop/lastfm/mined/part*,/hadoop/lastfm/aggregated,/path/to/pfp_lastfm360k/aggregate/,/path/to/pfp_lastfm360k/aggregate/,20,20
We now have the final output, 20 files in the format (artist, frequent itemset JSON)
. To get them out of Hadoop we can use the no-headache-hadoop task hdfs_download
fab hdfs_download:/hadoop/lastfm/aggregated,aggregated.tsv
This will pull the entire /hadoop/lastfm/aggregated directory out of HDFS using getmerge, and then download the combined file.
If we look in the file
head -n10 aggregated.tsv
we should see something like
!!! [{"support": 632, "artists": ["hot chip", "!!!"]}, {"support": 504, "artists": ["!!!", "interpol"]}, {"support": 1086, "artists": ["radiohead", "!!!"]}, {"support": 585, "artists": ["daft punk", "!!!"]}, {"support": 617, "artists": ["!!!", "the beatles"]}, {"support": 518, "artists": ["!!!", "air"]}, {"support": 689, "artists": ["lcd soundsystem", "!!!"]}, {"support": 607, "artists": ["!!!", "bloc party"]}, {"support": 581, "artists": ["beck", "!!!"]}]
*nsync [{"support": 522, "artists": ["kelly clarkson", "*nsync"]}, {"support": 849, "artists": ["backstreet boys", "*nsync"]}, {"support": 593, "artists": ["rihanna", "*nsync"]}, {"support": 505, "artists": ["maroon 5", "*nsync"]}, {"support": 1051, "artists": ["britney spears", "*nsync"]}, {"support": 510, "artists": ["the beatles", "*nsync"]}, {"support": 502, "artists": ["avril lavigne", "*nsync"]}, {"support": 516, "artists": ["coldplay", "*nsync"]}, {"support": 603, "artists": ["christina aguilera", "*nsync"]}, {"support": 507, "artists": ["linkin park", "*nsync"]}, {"support": 542, "artists": ["britney spears", "backstreet boys", "*nsync"]}, {"support": 500, "artists": ["mariah carey", "*nsync"]}, {"support": 503, "artists": ["fall out boy", "*nsync"]}, {"support": 719, "artists": ["justin timberlake", "*nsync"]}]
1349 [{"support": 576, "artists": ["1349", "gorgoroth"]}, {"support": 554, "artists": ["mayhem", "1349"]}, {"support": 606, "artists": ["darkthrone", "1349"]}, {"support": 530, "artists": ["1349", "burzum"]}, {"support": 549, "artists": ["1349", "marduk"]}, {"support": 623, "artists": ["1349", "satyricon"]}, {"support": 574, "artists": ["1349", "immortal"]}, {"support": 589, "artists": ["1349", "behemoth"]}]
50 cent [{"support": 924, "artists": ["lil wayne", "kanye west", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 595, "artists": ["ludacris", "nas", "kanye west", "jay-z", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 509, "artists": ["ice cube", "50 cent", "dr. dre", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 580, "artists": ["rihanna", "the pussycat dolls", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 526, "artists": ["nelly", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 675, "artists": ["justin timberlake", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 546, "artists": ["dmx", "kanye west", "50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 501, "artists": ["50 cent", "2pac", "outkast"]}, {"support": 790, "artists": ["justin timberlake", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 781, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "eminem"]}, {"support": 694, "artists": ["t.i.", "50 cent", "eminem", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 523, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "eminem", "the game", "jay-z", "2pac"]}, {"support": 557, "artists": ["t.i.", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 503, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "50 cent", "akon", "t.i."]}, {"support": 503, "artists": ["lil wayne", "t.i.", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 746, "artists": ["50 cent", "notorious b.i.g.", "t.i."]}, {"support": 593, "artists": ["justin timberlake", "kanye west", "50 cent", "timbaland"]}, {"support": 617, "artists": ["jay-z", "kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "eminem"]}, {"support": 1604, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 699, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "jay-z", "notorious b.i.g.", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 517, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "jay-z", "lupe fiasco", "the game"]}, {"support": 801, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "50 cent", "jay-z", "eminem"]}, {"support": 797, "artists": ["ice cube", "the game", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 537, "artists": ["lil wayne", "the game", "50 cent", "2pac"]}, {"support": 512, "artists": ["50 cent", "depeche mode"]}, {"support": 548, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "jay-z", "snoop dogg", "t.i."]}, {"support": 732, "artists": ["jay-z", "50 cent", "notorious b.i.g.", "2pac"]}, {"support": 942, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 895, "artists": ["jay-z", "50 cent", "lupe fiasco"]}, {"support": 867, "artists": ["nas", "jay-z", "snoop dogg", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 728, "artists": ["50 cent", "jay-z", "notorious b.i.g.", "eminem"]}, {"support": 549, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "eminem", "the game", "t.i.", "jay-z"]}, {"support": 1788, "artists": ["50 cent", "timbaland"]}, {"support": 579, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "akon"]}, {"support": 1257, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 785, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "jay-z", "t.i.", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 731, "artists": ["50 cent", "kanye west", "jay-z", "common"]}, {"support": 562, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "the game", "2pac", "t.i."]}, {"support": 571, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "dr. dre", "snoop dogg", "eminem"]}, {"support": 569, "artists": ["50 cent", "kanye west", "jay-z", "2pac", "notorious b.i.g."]}, {"support": 705, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "jay-z", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 949, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "notorious b.i.g."]}, {"support": 593, "artists": ["beyonc\u00e9", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 696, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "50 cent", "2pac", "the game"]}, {"support": 599, "artists": ["50 cent", "usher", "t.i."]}, {"support": 520, "artists": ["usher", "kanye west", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 523, "artists": ["50 cent", "pendulum"]}, {"support": 513, "artists": ["lil wayne", "50 cent", "lupe fiasco"]}, {"support": 1146, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 971, "artists": ["nirvana", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 701, "artists": ["lil wayne", "jay-z", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 564, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "chamillionaire"]}, {"support": 537, "artists": ["nelly furtado", "50 cent", "timbaland"]}, {"support": 546, "artists": ["justin timberlake", "50 cent", "black eyed peas"]}, {"support": 562, "artists": ["jay-z", "kanye west", "50 cent", "dr. dre", "eminem"]}, {"support": 562, "artists": ["lil wayne", "kanye west", "50 cent", "2pac"]}, {"support": 507, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "2pac", "notorious b.i.g.", "eminem"]}, {"support": 833, "artists": ["rihanna", "beyonc\u00e9", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 827, "artists": ["the offspring", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 879, "artists": ["justin timberlake", "50 cent", "timbaland"]}, {"support": 729, "artists": ["lil wayne", "kanye west", "50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 690, "artists": ["50 cent", "chris brown", "t.i."]}, {"support": 799, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "busta rhymes"]}, {"support": 732, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "dr. dre", "eminem"]}, {"support": 800, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "lupe fiasco"]}, {"support": 1222, "artists": ["50 cent", "kanye west", "jay-z", "t.i."]}, {"support": 568, "artists": ["50 cent", "snoop dogg", "notorious b.i.g.", "eminem"]}, {"support": 827, "artists": ["dr. dre", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "eminem"]}, {"support": 2131, "artists": ["50 cent", "kanye west", "jay-z"]}, {"support": 4309, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 1246, "artists": ["linkin park", "kanye west", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 523, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 624, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "jay-z", "lupe fiasco", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 507, "artists": ["ice cube", "nas", "50 cent", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 753, "artists": ["50 cent", "muse"]}, {"support": 594, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "jay-z", "eminem"]}, {"support": 603, "artists": ["50 cent", "gang starr"]}, {"support": 522, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "t.i."]}, {"support": 1097, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "50 cent", "the game"]}, {"support": 622, "artists": ["the game", "t.i.", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 893, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "jay-z", "t.i."]}, {"support": 637, "artists": ["beastie boys", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 545, "artists": ["50 cent", "lloyd banks", "eminem"]}, {"support": 549, "artists": ["t.i.", "kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "eminem"]}, {"support": 665, "artists": ["50 cent", "busta rhymes", "t.i."]}, {"support": 570, "artists": ["jay-z", "kanye west", "50 cent", "notorious b.i.g.", "eminem"]}, {"support": 617, "artists": ["linkin park", "limp bizkit", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 885, "artists": ["50 cent", "kanye west", "jay-z", "notorious b.i.g."]}, {"support": 1127, "artists": ["jay-z", "50 cent", "notorious b.i.g."]}, {"support": 551, "artists": ["dr. dre", "50 cent", "notorious b.i.g.", "eminem"]}, {"support": 568, "artists": ["rihanna", "usher", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 719, "artists": ["nas", "eminem", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 546, "artists": ["50 cent", "dr. dre", "akon"]}, {"support": 555, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "busta rhymes", "the game"]}, {"support": 702, "artists": ["jay-z", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "t.i."]}, {"support": 699, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "fabolous"]}, {"support": 733, "artists": ["50 cent", "three 6 mafia"]}, {"support": 646, "artists": ["coldplay", "50 cent", "red hot chili peppers"]}, {"support": 515, "artists": ["t.i.", "50 cent", "2pac", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 695, "artists": ["the game", "jay-z", "dr. dre", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 734, "artists": ["jay-z", "kanye west", "50 cent", "t.i.", "eminem"]}, {"support": 534, "artists": ["coldplay", "50 cent", "jay-z"]}, {"support": 675, "artists": ["linkin park", "50 cent", "system of a down"]}, {"support": 545, "artists": ["nas", "ludacris", "50 cent", "jay-z", "the game"]}, {"support": 674, "artists": ["nas", "dr. dre", "snoop dogg", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 519, "artists": ["madonna", "kanye west", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 773, "artists": ["50 cent", "dr. dre", "t.i."]}, {"support": 596, "artists": ["kanye west", "the game", "50 cent", "eminem", "nas", "jay-z"]}, {"support": 521, "artists": ["ne-yo", "kanye west", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 559, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "jay-z", "dr. dre", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 549, "artists": ["dmx", "the game", "50 cent", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 566, "artists": ["jay-z", "usher", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 500, "artists": ["dr. dre", "kanye west", "jay-z", "snoop dogg", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 662, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "2pac", "eminem"]}, {"support": 564, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "50 cent", "notorious b.i.g.", "the game"]}, {"support": 866, "artists": ["ne-yo", "kanye west", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 1396, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 977, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 698, "artists": ["dr. dre", "kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 601, "artists": ["3 doors down", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 1651, "artists": ["50 cent", "jay-z", "eminem"]}, {"support": 1219, "artists": ["jay-z", "kanye west", "50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 4351, "artists": ["50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 785, "artists": ["lil wayne", "nas", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 544, "artists": ["50 cent", "g-unit", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 1559, "artists": ["linkin park", "50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 866, "artists": ["gorillaz", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 670, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "jay-z", "snoop dogg", "the game"]}, {"support": 611, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "2pac", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 560, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "lil' wayne"]}, {"support": 587, "artists": ["50 cent", "kanye west", "jay-z", "2pac", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 534, "artists": ["50 cent", "busta rhymes", "snoop dogg", "eminem"]}, {"support": 534, "artists": ["linkin park", "50 cent", "2pac", "eminem"]}, {"support": 538, "artists": ["ludacris", "the game", "kanye west", "50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 503, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "akon", "timbaland"]}, {"support": 552, "artists": ["the game", "jay-z", "busta rhymes", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 631, "artists": ["lil wayne", "nas", "jay-z", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 1300, "artists": ["jay-z", "50 cent", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 528, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "50 cent", "dr. dre", "the game"]}, {"support": 911, "artists": ["50 cent", "jay-z", "2pac", "eminem"]}, {"support": 871, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "the game"]}, {"support": 685, "artists": ["linkin park", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 566, "artists": ["50 cent", "2pac", "mobb deep"]}, {"support": 1114, "artists": ["dr. dre", "kanye west", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 585, "artists": ["50 cent", "fabolous", "eminem"]}, {"support": 617, "artists": ["nas", "jay-z", "2pac", "notorious b.i.g.", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 628, "artists": ["nas", "jay-z", "common", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 507, "artists": ["flo rida", "50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 509, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "50 cent", "lupe fiasco", "t.i."]}, {"support": 512, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "eminem", "nas", "t.i.", "jay-z"]}, {"support": 569, "artists": ["rage against the machine", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 1112, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "timbaland"]}, {"support": 654, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "eminem"]}, {"support": 633, "artists": ["50 cent", "kanye west", "jay-z", "busta rhymes"]}, {"support": 529, "artists": ["50 cent", "dr. dre", "notorious b.i.g.", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 1286, "artists": ["nelly furtado", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 502, "artists": ["jay-z", "50 cent", "talib kweli"]}, {"support": 544, "artists": ["nas", "dr. dre", "notorious b.i.g.", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 536, "artists": ["rihanna", "kanye west", "50 cent", "timbaland"]}, {"support": 527, "artists": ["dmx", "50 cent", "busta rhymes"]}, {"support": 509, "artists": ["justin timberlake", "kanye west", "50 cent", "chris brown"]}, {"support": 670, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "t-pain"]}, {"support": 2092, "artists": ["justin timberlake", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 976, "artists": ["nas", "dr. dre", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 685, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "dr. dre", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 513, "artists": ["dr. dre", "eminem", "50 cent", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 1018, "artists": ["nelly", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 542, "artists": ["jay-z", "g-unit", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 600, "artists": ["50 cent", "atb"]}, {"support": 1039, "artists": ["50 cent", "g-unit"]}, {"support": 553, "artists": ["justin timberlake", "ne-yo", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 505, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "dr. dre", "snoop dogg", "eminem"]}, {"support": 761, "artists": ["dr. dre", "kanye west", "jay-z", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 555, "artists": ["50 cent", "fergie"]}, {"support": 500, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "busta rhymes", "2pac"]}, {"support": 549, "artists": ["chamillionaire", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 693, "artists": ["the 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"eminem", "50 cent", "the game", "t.i."]}, {"support": 780, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "50 cent", "jay-z", "eminem"]}, {"support": 575, "artists": ["linkin park", "50 cent", "black eyed peas"]}, {"support": 694, "artists": ["ice cube", "nas", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 503, "artists": ["50 cent", "notorious b.i.g.", "lupe fiasco"]}, {"support": 1807, "artists": ["50 cent", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 500, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "jay-z", "snoop dogg", "t.i."]}, {"support": 534, "artists": ["50 cent", "kanye west", "alicia keys"]}, {"support": 1096, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "jay-z", "the game"]}, {"support": 1475, "artists": ["eminem", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 1157, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 870, "artists": ["the game", "jay-z", "snoop dogg", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 826, "artists": ["jay-z", "50 cent", "busta rhymes"]}, {"support": 904, "artists": ["50 cent", "busta rhymes", "eminem"]}, {"support": 587, "artists": 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{"support": 527, "artists": ["lil wayne", "50 cent", "notorious b.i.g."]}, {"support": 601, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "mobb deep"]}, {"support": 609, "artists": ["dmx", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 608, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "2pac"]}, {"support": 670, "artists": ["jay-z", "dr. dre", "snoop dogg", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 629, "artists": ["lil wayne", "the game", "kanye west", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 714, "artists": ["nas", "jay-z", "dr. dre", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 551, "artists": ["sum 41", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 688, "artists": ["lil wayne", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 659, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "the game"]}, {"support": 704, "artists": ["ne-yo", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 595, "artists": ["flo rida", "kanye west", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 733, "artists": ["50 cent", "d12"]}, {"support": 629, "artists": ["50 cent", "ciara"]}, {"support": 552, "artists": ["dmx", "nas", "50 cent", "the game"]}, {"support": 702, "artists": ["lil wayne", "50 cent", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 1057, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "notorious b.i.g."]}, {"support": 512, "artists": ["chamillionaire", "eminem", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 504, "artists": ["jay-z", "50 cent", "busta rhymes", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 646, "artists": ["50 cent", "kanye west", "jay-z", "akon"]}, {"support": 2421, "artists": ["50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 1209, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "jay-z", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 501, "artists": ["justin timberlake", "50 cent", "michael jackson"]}, {"support": 547, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "50 cent", "2pac", "notorious b.i.g."]}, {"support": 519, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "busta rhymes", "t.i."]}, {"support": 605, "artists": ["nas", "eminem", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "the game"]}, {"support": 517, "artists": ["50 cent", "bloc party"]}, {"support": 597, "artists": ["eminem", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 740, "artists": ["50 cent", "kanye west", "black eyed peas"]}, {"support": 632, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 1084, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "lupe fiasco"]}, {"support": 540, "artists": ["the game", "jay-z", "notorious b.i.g.", "2pac", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 579, "artists": ["ice cube", "the game", "50 cent", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 573, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "jay-z", "eminem"]}, {"support": 640, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "t.i."]}, {"support": 560, "artists": ["dmx", "50 cent", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 587, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "notorious b.i.g."]}, {"support": 626, "artists": ["50 cent", "the prodigy", "eminem"]}, {"support": 513, "artists": ["cypress hill", "50 cent", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 889, "artists": ["eminem", "50 cent", "timbaland"]}, {"support": 512, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "notorious b.i.g.", "jay-z", "eminem"]}, {"support": 552, "artists": ["50 cent", "jay-z", "busta rhymes", "eminem"]}, {"support": 674, "artists": ["nas", "jay-z", "lupe fiasco", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 938, "artists": ["the game", "eminem", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 660, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "the game", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 699, "artists": ["jay-z", "50 cent", "2pac", "t.i."]}, {"support": 594, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "jay-z", "notorious b.i.g.", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 588, "artists": ["the game", "jay-z", "snoop dogg", "2pac", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 693, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "50 cent", "ludacris"]}, {"support": 510, "artists": ["50 cent", "kanye west", "dr. dre", "snoop dogg", "eminem"]}, {"support": 701, "artists": ["linkin park", "50 cent", "2pac"]}, {"support": 602, "artists": ["usher", "50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 527, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "50 cent", "dr. dre", "eminem"]}, {"support": 852, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "akon", "eminem"]}, {"support": 550, "artists": ["flo rida", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 614, "artists": ["rihanna", "kanye west", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 737, "artists": ["lil wayne", "50 cent", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 523, "artists": ["50 cent", "papa roach"]}, {"support": 716, "artists": ["50 cent", "system of a down", "eminem"]}, {"support": 512, "artists": ["kanye west", "the game", "50 cent", "nas", "jay-z", "notorious b.i.g."]}, {"support": 619, "artists": ["justin timberlake", "beyonc\u00e9", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 515, "artists": ["50 cent", "fort minor", "eminem"]}, {"support": 655, "artists": ["50 cent", "christina aguilera"]}, {"support": 755, "artists": ["50 cent", "jay-z", "dr. dre", "eminem"]}, {"support": 796, "artists": ["coldplay", "50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 1270, "artists": ["50 cent", "metallica"]}, {"support": 549, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "notorious b.i.g.", "t.i."]}, {"support": 608, "artists": ["dmx", "the game", "50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 556, "artists": ["lil wayne", "ludacris", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 527, "artists": ["flo rida", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 893, "artists": ["rick ross", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 500, "artists": ["kanye west", "the game", "50 cent", "eminem", "nas", "t.i."]}, {"support": 771, "artists": ["chamillionaire", "50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 989, "artists": ["cypress hill", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 748, "artists": ["timbaland", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 1204, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 850, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 537, "artists": ["jay-z", "dr. dre", "notorious b.i.g.", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 576, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "chris brown", "akon"]}, {"support": 574, "artists": ["rick ross", "jay-z", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 612, "artists": ["50 cent", "n*e*r*d"]}, {"support": 883, "artists": ["50 cent", "sean paul"]}, {"support": 542, "artists": ["50 cent", "kanye west", "jay-z", "notorious b.i.g.", "t.i."]}, {"support": 953, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "50 cent", "2pac"]}, {"support": 529, "artists": ["nas", "eminem", "50 cent", "notorious b.i.g.", "the game"]}, {"support": 557, "artists": ["nas", "eminem", "50 cent", "dr. dre", "the game"]}, {"support": 874, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "the game", "t.i."]}, {"support": 838, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "jay-z", "t.i.", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 1096, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "notorious b.i.g."]}, {"support": 688, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "jay-z", "snoop dogg", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 601, "artists": ["t.i.", "kanye west", "50 cent", "2pac", "eminem"]}, {"support": 552, "artists": ["rihanna", "50 cent", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 970, "artists": ["nas", "eminem", "50 cent", "the game"]}, {"support": 1339, "artists": ["50 cent", "2pac", "snoop dogg"]}, {"support": 803, "artists": ["lil wayne", "the game", "kanye west", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 595, "artists": ["50 cent", "usher", "chris brown"]}, {"support": 632, "artists": ["dmx", "50 cent", "2pac", "eminem"]}, {"support": 665, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "2pac", "t.i."]}, {"support": 1008, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "jay-z", "eminem"]}, {"support": 507, "artists": ["mos def", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 1085, "artists": ["t.i.", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 1442, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 611, "artists": ["50 cent", "2pac", "snoop dogg", "t.i."]}, {"support": 511, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "common", "lupe fiasco"]}, {"support": 821, "artists": ["50 cent", "jay-z", "snoop dogg", "eminem"]}, {"support": 660, "artists": ["rick ross", "kanye west", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 891, "artists": ["50 cent", "2pac", "akon"]}, {"support": 975, "artists": ["rihanna", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 801, "artists": ["ludacris", "kanye west", "50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 513, "artists": ["the game", "jay-z", "common", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 604, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "lupe fiasco", "eminem"]}, {"support": 642, "artists": ["justin timberlake", "50 cent", "britney spears"]}, {"support": 620, "artists": ["the game", "jay-z", "lupe fiasco", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 633, "artists": ["50 cent", "the chemical brothers"]}, {"support": 966, "artists": ["lil wayne", "jay-z", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 561, "artists": ["nas", "kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "eminem"]}, {"support": 1720, "artists": ["lil wayne", "50 cent"]}, {"support": 862, "artists": ["kanye west", "50 cent", "snoop dogg", "t.i."]}, {"support": 546, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "jay-z", "dr. dre", "the game"]}, {"support": 701, "artists": ["50 cent", "evanescence"]}, {"support": 571, "artists": ["dr. dre", "50 cent", "2pac", "notorious b.i.g."]}, {"support": 646, "artists": ["britney spears", "50 cent", "eminem"]}, {"support": 599, "artists": ["nas", "50 cent", "akon"]}, {"support": 724, "artists": ["the game", "kanye west", "50 cent", "dr. dre"]}, {"support": 501, "artists": ["50 cent", "dr. dre", "snoop dogg", "t.i."]}, {"support": 527, "artists": ["rick ross", "kanye west", "50 cent", "t.i."]}, {"support": 505, "artists": ["50 cent", "incubus"]}, {"support": 1078, "artists": ["the game", "50 cent", "dr. dre"]}, {"support": 625, "artists": ["kanye west", "the game", "50 cent", "nas", "t.i.", "jay-z"]}, {"support": 666, "artists": ["50 cent", "d12", "eminem"]}]
abradab [{"support": 532, "artists": ["abradab", "o.s.t.r."]}]
acceptance [{"support": 543, "artists": ["acceptance", "paramore"]}, {"support": 508, "artists": ["acceptance", "jimmy eat world"]}, {"support": 580, "artists": ["acceptance", "anberlin"]}, {"support": 527, "artists": ["death cab for cutie", "acceptance"]}, {"support": 568, "artists": ["acceptance", "fall out boy"]}]
ace of base [{"support": 551, "artists": ["queen", "ace of base"]}, {"support": 508, "artists": ["rihanna", "ace of base"]}, {"support": 588, "artists": ["ace of base", "the beatles"]}, {"support": 616, "artists": ["ace of base", "michael jackson"]}, {"support": 535, "artists": ["kylie minogue", "ace of base"]}, {"support": 565, "artists": ["ace of base", "roxette"]}, {"support": 713, "artists": ["ace of base", "britney spears"]}, {"support": 558, "artists": ["coldplay", "ace of base"]}, {"support": 1050, "artists": ["madonna", "ace of base"]}, {"support": 631, "artists": ["ace of base", "abba"]}]
agnostic front [{"support": 516, "artists": ["misfits", "agnostic front"]}, {"support": 519, "artists": ["dropkick murphys", "agnostic front"]}, {"support": 619, "artists": ["sick of it all", "agnostic front"]}, {"support": 682, "artists": ["madball", "agnostic front"]}, {"support": 500, "artists": ["terror", "agnostic front"]}, {"support": 659, "artists": ["hatebreed", "agnostic front"]}]
american hi-fi [{"support": 531, "artists": ["blink-182", "american hi-fi"]}]
and one [{"support": 609, "artists": ["apoptygma berzerk", "vnv nation", "and one"]}, {"support": 1276, "artists": ["and one", "depeche mode"]}, {"support": 688, "artists": ["and one", "assemblage 23"]}, {"support": 597, "artists": ["and one", "de/vision"]}, {"support": 994, "artists": ["vnv nation", "and one"]}, {"support": 604, "artists": ["apoptygma berzerk", "covenant", "and one"]}, {"support": 526, "artists": ["vnv nation", "assemblage 23", "and one"]}, {"support": 577, "artists": ["vnv nation", "and one", "depeche mode"]}, {"support": 701, "artists": ["and one", "rammstein"]}, {"support": 548, "artists": ["front 242", "and one"]}, {"support": 724, "artists": ["combichrist", "and one"]}, {"support": 673, "artists": ["covenant", "vnv nation", "and one"]}, {"support": 514, "artists": ["covenant", "assemblage 23", "and one"]}, {"support": 920, "artists": ["apoptygma berzerk", "and one"]}, {"support": 1008, "artists": ["covenant", "and one"]}, {"support": 624, "artists": ["covenant", "and one", "depeche mode"]}, {"support": 637, "artists": ["the cure", "and one"]}, {"support": 575, "artists": ["apoptygma berzerk", "and one", "depeche mode"]}, {"support": 596, "artists": ["nine inch nails", "and one"]}, {"support": 566, "artists": ["and one", "blutengel"]}]
To save time (and money) we're pruning heavily, so we have only extracted frequent itemsets for 2621 artists. If we set MIN_SUPPORT
lower than 500 we would get more useful data back.
Writing your own jobs
Now that you've seen the basics of Hadoop in action, you might want to write your own Hadoop streaming jobs. As long as you do it in Python, you should be able to follow the same approach as we've done here. If you need additional Python packages, add them to puppet/modules/python/manifests/defaultpackages.pp in your no-headache-hadoop directory, and rebuild (fab build
). If you're planning on writing jobs in other languages, you probably want to read up on Puppet, add a couple of manifests, and rebuild.
Once you're starting to customize no-headache-hadoop it's a probably a good idea to [fork(] the repository.
While you're developing, first test the job locally to spot any obvious bugs. Debugging jobs running on Hadoop is trickier, but there are a few things you can do. Keep an eye on failed jobs count in the Hadoop web console.
If you click the failed number you see a screen like this
The Error field doesn't make much sense since we're using Hadoop streaming. However, if we click the Logs -> All link in the rightmost column (and *ugh* change the url from ip-XX-XX-XX-XX.ec2.internal to the public IP), we see the actual stderr.
In this job we have a Python error, that I probably would have caught if I hadn't been lazy and run the job without testing locally first.
Hadoop also provides very basic logging by writing lines to stderr in the format
In the mapper from step 5 there is an example of this. Counters show up in the Hadoop job console.
Here are some other random things to read: